WWE Backlash 2020: 7 Results Predictions

From Sheamus' Backsplash to B. Lash.

Backlash 2020

The human capacity to grow disinterested in the most astonishing or outlandish of things is quite remarkable. It'd be an evolutionary impediment if every day we were stopped in our tracks to gawk in wonder at the majesty of the sky or the raw power of the ocean, so very quickly we learn to take these natural, almost inconceivable marvels for granted.

In the same manner, we can also adapt to the most extreme or trying of circumstances such that they can, incredibly, become normalised and even boring. That's why - skipping several steps and removing any particular pretense of importance - three months down the line, the concept of an empty arena PPV no longer shocks or galls like a WrestleMania many, including this writer, thought should be cancelled, and instead is viewed as routine, mundane even.

That said, there could be 50,000 people packing the house this Sunday, with those dreaded global circumstances having cleared up, and we'd still be approaching Backlash 2020 with complete disinterest.

But it's going to feature the Greatest Match of All Time! Well, unless WWE delve into the Network archive to fill time with Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, or the Doomsday Cage match from Uncensored '96 (not joking), it isn't. There will be a pre-recorded Randy Orton vs. Edge contest though.

And really, the big question, more than the results, is whether it'll match its laughably outlandish promise.


7. Whoever Wins, They Both Lose

Backlash 2020

The most typical WWE thing in the world to would be - well, we'll get onto that later - but the second most typical WWE thing in the world would be for them to pull the rug from beneath a superstar just as they finally find their feet firmly planted on it.

Apollo Crews, called up to the main roster to plug a gap and subsequently used as an afterthought, has at long last, and quite unexpectedly, came somewhat good during Raw's stewardship under Paul Heyman. Except Heyman is now no more in that role, and a huge hurricane of spiteful course correction seems a crushing inevitability. Will he be caught in the eye of the storm?

Inevitably, but it's unlikely to affect the outcome of this match, given his opponent Andrade is similarly a Paul Heyman Guy. The ongoing palaver between Andrade and his stablemates Angel Garza and Zelina Vega will take over here, allowing Crews at least one more PPV unscathed.

Prediction: Crews in control thanks to an at-odds Vega stable.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team

Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.