WWE Backlash 2020: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best
The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever? Not quite, but still pretty great.

It won't surprise anyone to learn that Backlash was for the most part a wheel-spinning affair of a PPV - no titles changed hands, and screwy finishes largely just prolonged feuds for the inevitable Extreme Rules rematches next month.
That said, Backlash still offered up a relatively solid slate of matches regardless - there were three very good bouts, a handful of acceptable ones, and only one truly resolute dud.
That is, unless you count the ridiculous and wildly overdone cinematic non-match segment between The Street Profits and The Viking Raiders, which brought to the show to grinding halt for a good while. Above all else, it proved that the cinematic gimmick alone does not a fun match make.
Still, it was a solid night of wrestling for the most part, if not particularly memorable aside from the barn-burner of a main event, which still predictably failed to live up to its grandiose marketing moniker.
For what was a glorified holding pattern show, though, it could've been so, so much worse than this...
7. WWE Raw Women's Title: Asuka (c) Vs. Nia Jax

Result: The match ends in a double countout (8:25).
Rating: Nobody asked for this, and it predictably lived down to expectations.
Protecting Nia at the expense of Asuka getting a decisive title defense made no sense at all, and though Asuka tried her damnedest to elevate this, there was ultimately little she could do.
It was probably for the best this thing took place without fans, because a live capacity crowd would've eaten it alive.
All it did was keep the feud going for another month so we have to sit through a gimmicky rematch at Extreme Rules - rather than, you know, letting Asuka actually fight someone worthy. 4/10