Daniel Bryan will face Triple H at Wrestlemania 30, with most in WWE believing that Bryan will NOT go over. The report comes from PWinsider, a WWE source stating that they expect the match not to change. This despite what looked like WWE setting up a Kane vs Bryan feud this week on Raw. While the Bryan vs Hunter match looks safe from change, the rest of the Wrestlemania 30 card remains up in the air. The same PWinsider report notes that several major Wrestlemania 30 creative meetings took place this last week. Several discussions involved change, with various scenarios getting suggested. Still, the source doesn't expect much to actually get changed. The reaction to a Bryan loss at Wrestlemania is going to be huge. Triple H and WWE may see this as a good move, believing (rightly) the heel heat on Hunter would be historic. However, the reaction could boil over. Not only could a walkout occur, but a small riot is arguably a possibility. That's the level of Bryan's popularity right now. For many people, the idea of Bryan not being the main event and losing to Triple H will be too much to take. Arguably, WWE could be planning on what they did with The Rock in 2000. Despite being a clear choice become champion at Wrestlemania 2000, instead Rock lost at that event, leading to his eventual victory a month later on PPV. What that achieved was an elevated B level PPV which did a very strong buy number. Could Bryan be set to lose at Mania as part of a bigger picture? With WWE right now anything seems possible. Obviously the controversy of the last week hasn't really bothered them if they are really planning on jobbing Bryan to Helmsley at Wrestlemania 30.