WWE Banned List - Why You Can't Say These 23 Terms

20. "War"

WWE Raw Is War

Don't expect Tom Phillips to suddenly blurt out something about two Raw stars engaging in "war" either.

'Battle' is fine (WWE use that all the time towards the end of matches that are supposed to be epic), but "war" has been on the banned list for a long-assed time; Monday Night Raw's old name, 'Raw Is War' was scrapped soon after the chaotic events of 9/11 back in 2001.

It's not about to launch a comeback as a standalone term. No word on why match types like 'WarGames' are fine though. Perhaps because WWE has conjoined two words into one for copyright purposes? Who knows.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.