WWE Battleground 2014 Results Predictions

7. Jack Swagger Vs Rusev

WWE never expected this feud to get so over, but it has, and in a very big way. The old school logic of evil foreign heel against steadfast American patriot has worked brilliantly in provoking loud crowd reactions. Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger are suddenly two of the most over babyfaces in WWE. Credit must also go to Lana who is brilliant in her microphone work and heel mannerisms. The work of the characters involved has led to what should be a very compelling and crowd engaging match. Technically, it could be Rusev's greatest match to date. Swagger although unspectacular is an accomplished athlete. He has been on the main roster for six years and should be able to get an effective match out of Rusev. The Bulgarian Brute has only wrestled short contests thus far, it would be great to see this one go a little longer. We want to know if the monster heel really does have what it takes to advance toward the main events. In terms of the result, it still makes sense for Rusev to win this one. Swagger has momentum behind his new face character, but on too many occasions he has proved a hopeless main eventer. Rusev in contrast is going places, that should continue, he should ultimately win this match. Lana interferes to stop Swagger's ankle lock, leading to Rusev rolling the face up for the pin. Winner: Rusev
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