WWE Cardiff Live - 10 Interesting Observations

4. Paige As Fan-Favourite

 Going back to that Divas title match for a second, and another interesting thing to note is the fact that Paige was a real fan-favourite. That could be pinned on the fact that she hails from the UK, but I've never seen King Barrett get a reaction like that in Cardiff in the past. While Charlotte certainly didn't receive a bad response, her fans could barely muster a decent chant, and Paige received the majority of support by far. To be honest, I think this comes down more to how ill defined the faces and heels are in the Divas Division. That's been a problem for the WWE's female wrestler's for a while now; their allegiances shift on a weekly basis, and that's very much been the case with Paige lately. She went from leaving Team PCB to going back and then leaving again, so it's no wonder that a lot of fans still perceive her as a face.
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