WWE Champion The Rock: His 10 Best Matches

4. The Rock vs Hulk Hogan - WrestleMania 18

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp6gW2MIhb0 Probably the most famous match of the Rocks career and a true classic in every sense. Held in Toronto, Ontario at Wrestlemania 18 - it felt like an epic before it even started and delivered on that promise in every way. uch has been made of Hogan's self serving behaviour but for me, the decision Hogan made to portray himself as a sympathetic character gave the audience a chance to do what they wanted to do, which was cheer for Hogan. This made the match all the more special and the fact Rock was able to roll with this and not let it phase him demonstrates great professionalism on his part. Internal match politics aside this is a great piece of work and a match that has transcended regular wrestling folklore and become an iconic symbol of everything that is great about wrestling. There is literally no higher praise that can be bestowed upon a match than this.

3. The Rock vs Steve Austin - WrestleMania 17

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no43xYeFMpA Another epic encounter that headlined the spectacular Wrestlemania 17 and was exceptional in every way. A modern classic and a thunderous clash of the biggest stars of the Attitude Era. This was an intense brawl with stiff shots thrown by both parties, numerous last second kick outs and false finishes galore. At the time I was one of many who believed Rock and Austin would never top this match in terms of delivery and sheer spectacle because it was hard to imagine how they could give any more or try any harder. The closing angle that delivered the superb Austin heel turn only served to make a classic encounter even more memorable and guarantee this match became one of the most talked about and highest rated matches in Wrestlemania history.

Broken down ex wrestler that always worked the leg.