WWE.com Survey Asks Fans To Compare WWE To NXT

WWE continues to search for answers on why things aren't working.

Earlier this week, WWE sent out a survey asking fans for feedback on Raw and they've followed that up with another. This time the content is a little more surprising as the survey asks fans to compare the main roster WWE product to NXT. The survey asks the person to choose their preference in a number of categories, which the choices being "WWE", "NXT" and "Both deliver equally", as well as asking to rate each promotion on a scale of 1-10 in those same categories. Here's a sampling of some of the questions featured: Getting the right mix of unique characters having a great show to watch with family Having a great show to watch with friends Being amazed Seeing a wide variety of Superstars Seeing good rivalries/match-ups Watching interesting stories play out Seeing enough of my favorite Superstars Seeing a wide variety of Divas

There was a list of adjectives such as fun, traditional, innovative, mainstream, fantastical, original, wrestling, etc. and the fan was asked to select all that apply to each promotion. In addition to that there was a selection of questions regarding demographics and viewing habits.

The survey also asked: What got you hooked on NXT, how did you hear about NXT, and when did you become an NXT fan? and what the person's favorite and least favorite qualities of each show were.

They asked what websites people visit for their wrestling news (WhatCulture.com all the way!) and if you considered yourself a WWE fan, but not an NXT fan, an NXT fan and not a WWE fan, or a fan of both.

This is yet another sign that WWE is taking the Raw ratings decline seriously while trying to get a grasp on the lightning in a bottle that is NXT. Whether this means they'll take the positive feedback they receive on the developmental program and apply it to the flagship show is another matter entirely. Hopefully we don't see the adverse and NXT ends up becoming Raw-lite.

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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.