WWE Contacts "Every Megadraw Alive" For WrestleMania 30 Cameos

Hart Hbk Austin WrestleMania is always a time of reflection for WWE. It's about building the stars of tomorrow while also acknowledging those from the past. That doesn't just mean a Hall of Fame ceremony either. It's about incorporating legends in storylines once in a while as well as putting them on camera simply to draw a nice reaction from the fans watching at home. A new report from Dave Meltzer of F4Wonline.com suggests that WWE plans to bring back some legend at WrestleMania 30: "WWE has reportedly contacted several major names for cameo appearances at WrestleMania XXX, including 'every megadraw' of the last three decades that is still alive." The first name that immediately comes to mind is Steve Austin. He's the biggest WWE name that hasn't really been on WWE TV for a few years now. It would be a welcome sight to see the Rattlesnake in a WWE ring again just for the fans to see him and acknowledge him for all the wonderful contributions he brought to WWE. Austin mentioned on a recent podcast of his that he planned to be there for the Hall of Fame ceremony and if he's there for that then he'll probably stick around the next day too. Since WWE has plugged his podcast on WWE TV recently, perhaps he has an agreement in place to be back for WrestleMania in some capacity. It would be amazing to have guys like Austin, Hogan, Warrior, Flair, Bret, Shawn, Piper, Foley and guys of that stature in the ring together just get cheered by the fans. The Rock would be wonderful to see, but seems unlikely. They could have 3MB or some heels come out, call them old and get everybody to hit finishers or something like that. Perhaps Wade Barrett would fit as somebody for an angle like this.. He could have some bad news, call these guys old or something insult and then take a beating. Fans would love it. If you're a fan of professional sports, you will often see scenarios where legends are brought back for All-Star games or championship events like a Super Bowl. It's great to see them together again. In wrestling, it does happen on "Old School" Raw episodes, but at a WrestleMania we should see it in a situation that means more. We hear all the time about WrestleMania moments. Next Sunday in New Orleans, WWE has the chance to do something special with their biggest stars of the last 30 years. Seize the opportunity. It doesn't come around very often.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.