WWE Crown Jewel 2019: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

8. WWE Title: Brock Lesnar (c) Vs. Cain Velasquez

WWE Crown Jewel 2019 Brock Lesnar Cain Velasquez

Result: Brock makes Cain tap to the Kimura Lock to retain the strap (2:10).

Rating: You have to give the bookers some mild credit for being self-aware enough to keep this match super-short, even if it was an undeniably lame way to open the main show.

Giving Velasquez the title would've been disastrously embarrassing, and this way Brock got to have his "revenge" while wasting as little show time as possible.

They both got a few decent licks in and peaced out before anyone could get exasperated with the farce.

But as a piece of wrestling and an attempt at entertainment? It was definitely bad. 4/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.