WWE Crown Jewel 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

6. WWE Scripts A Women’s Title Swap

Vince McMahon Jinder Mahal WWE King Of The Ring

It remains to be seen if Charlotte Flair will be in Saudi.

The reigning Raw Women's Champion isn't booked on the card (at time of writing), so she'd only be in some throwaway TV-style match anyway. WWE's other option is to fly Flair out to Riyadh so she and Becky Lynch can work some sort of belt swap angle.

Face it, that's coming. Charlotte was traded from Raw to SmackDown in the 2021 Draft, and Becks went the other way. It's inconceivable to think that WWE will let them hold onto championships from "the rival brand" for too long before writing one of those exchanges. They did this last year with The Street Profits and New Day, after all.

It sucked then and it'll suck in 2021 too. Somebody really should've had the foresight to avoid this title reign-squashing crap yet again. Champions should not fancy giving up their belt - not even for another prize.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.