WWE Day 1 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen

9. Madcap Moss Gets Squashed

Brock Lesnar Paul Heyman WWE Day 1

Sometimes, a WWE pay-per-view match so useless comes along that it unites the watching audience. 'Why the crap is this happening?', Twitter asks. 'Who booked this sh*t?!', moan hundreds of Instagram pic comments. That criticism is totally fair when it comes to Drew McIntyre vs. Madcap Moss.

There's barely any good reason why this is on Day 1 at all.

McIntyre even already pinned Madcap in a screwy 'Miracle On 34th Street Fight' during last week's SmackDown. Put it this way: WWE better make this one short and end it with another thumping Claymore Kick from Drew. Nobody needs to see Moss get a random win and continue this painful, momentum-sapping feud for McIntyre.

Is there interest in Drew vs. Happy Corbin down the road? Hell no - not under these circumstances. The whole desk/sword/Jeff Hardy/lame jokes saga has been rotten to the core, and it simply must end with a short squash match.

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WWE Day 1
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