WWE Debate: Should Masked Kane Or Corporate Kane Return On RAW Tonight?

The Big Red Machine or The Authority's B*tch... which would you rather see?

Last week, f4wonline's Dave Meltzer reported that Kane is set to return to WWE on tonight's episode of RAW. The last time we saw the Big Red Machine he was having his ankle smashed by the ring steps at the hands of Brock Lesnar. The angle also had Seth Rollins making fun of the fallen giant, although he is pretty preoccupied with Sting and John Cena at the moment so it's unlikely the pair will be launched into a programme. Presumably however, that narrative will follow on, with Kane coming back and confronting Lesnar and/or Rollins. Kane might even head straight for The Authority after being kicked of the faction on his departure. They did display his most recent mask in a clear perspex box in their office on TV, but that has been removed in recent weeks fuelling speculation that it is coming back. You get the feeling that nothing else will really do for the WWE Universe. It's either mask or bust for Kane. Nobody really took to the Devil's Favourite Demon in a shirt and tie. It undid his stellar work from the previous 16-or-so-years, while the way he was booked was nothing short of a travesty. You could probably count the number of times he won clean in the last year on one hand. If he comes back and is used in that way, chants of "please retire" won't be reserved especially for The Big Show. Then again, WWE could just have Corporate Kane return and have him job out his days in the ring... So which version of Kane would you like to see return tonight? Let us know in the comments below!
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