WWE: Does Nostalgia Cause Rose Tinted Memories of the Attitude Era?
Is today's WWE product really that bad comparatively? Maybe it's a question of age. A lot of fans during the Attitude Era were of a young teen age. These people who are still fans now will be in their mid to late 20s, potentially have day jobs, families, general responsibilities they wouldn't have had when they watched the WWF during the Attitude Era. The entertainment they would gain from watching a TV show will likely to have changed drastically since when they were in their teenage years. When these fans think back to the Attitude Era, it could be that their memories of a more care free time in life make them look back with fonder feelings towards WWF TV. If Vince McMahon were to be revealed as a 'Higher Power' in a storyline today, there is a strong chance it would be met with groans by older fans. However during the Attitude Era, this story reveal seemed to have the WWF's desired shock effect. Granted, if it were to be received with negativity in a modern product this could also be down to how much we have seen the McMahon character since the Attitude Era. However, if theoretically there hadn't been so much McMahon on WWE TV over the intervening years, it would still be hard to imagine the reveal having a similar reception from a seasoned WWE viewer in 2012. Would this just be due to the fact a platform more freely exists for negative comment in the form of the Internet? Perhaps. Or would it be the fact it would now be viewed by a 28 year old rather than a 14 year old? With that same viewpoint, now imagine viewing today's product as a teenager. With the free time and a teenage mindset, would seeing Sheamus steal Alberto Del Rio's car really seem like a criminal offence and something a 'face shouldn't do'? Or would it seem like a badass move by the face that sticks it to the aristocratic character? Did fans complain in the same way when Austin poured cement into Vince McMahon's car in 1998? Could the argument be made that longer term WWE viewers look to just getting bitter with age?