WWE Elimination Chamber 2019: 10 Things It Got Right

8. Bringing Sasha & Bayley’s Story Full Circle

Sasha Banks Bayley

Let's be honest: the never-ending saga Bayley and Sasha Banks have worked as friends, enemies and somewhere in between has, for the most part, sucked. It blew so hard in 2018 that there was a time when yours truly thought WWE creative might kill their characters forever.

Credit where credit is due then. WWE brought Sasha and Bayley full circle on Sunday night.

Looking at the lineup of teams in the women's Chamber reveals just how much star power they carry as a duo compared to everyone else. In other words, they were the only choice to win, and it's a plus point that WWE didn't book a shock for shock's sake.

Bayley and Sasha have been through so much sh*t creatively over the past few years that it makes one's heart glow to see them get a prize their hard work deserves. Now, let's avoid that eventual break up WWE may find so irresistible.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.