WWE Elimination Chamber 2020: 10 Things That Must Happen

9. New Day Show Some Cracks

New Day

Win or lose, New Day's 'Power Of Positivity' preaching never seems to waver.

That's a problem, because it tells fans that the group don't really give a damn whether they're triumphant or mired in defeat. Nah, Kofi and Big E just want to spew sexual innuendos, rub baby oil on their bodies and toss pancakes to the masses. It's about time that booking changed.

After losing at Elimination Chamber, Kofi and E should show a little tension as they're leaving. Or, if WWE don't want to scoop attention away from the end of the match, they can pen a quick backstage skit that shows the typically-happy pair having an intense disagreement. It'd be even better if they almost came to blows.

Calm down, New Day fans. Nobody is suggesting the team split up. This argument would be soothed by Xavier Woods' eventual return; he could be the glue that sticks New Day back together and gets them back on track for gold. It's time these boys started showing some passion again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.