WWE Elimination Chamber 2020: 10 Things That Must Happen

7. Shinsuke Nakamura Wins Back The IC Title

Braun Strowman Shinsuke Nakamura Cesaro Sami Zayn

Braun Strowman, meanwhile, isn't quite right for the Intercontinental belt.

Where does Braun go from here if he whips Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro and Sami Zayn three-on-one at Elimination Chamber? Who would his next opponent be at WrestleMania 36? Bray Wyatt is out due to his feud with John Cena, Daniel Bryan will probably be working Sheamus, and someone like 'King' Corbin just sounds naff.

That's why Naka needs to win back "his" title over the weekend. Strong babyface or not, Strowman would have an excuse due to the handicap situation, and there's always room for the manipulative Zayn to announce some "small print" to the contract that Braun didn't read. That'd let the heels use weapons and give the big man another out.

Strowman needs a bigger 'Mania moment this year. Winning the IC strap for a second time against Shinsuke (after Cesaro and Sami had been banished from ringside for repeat interference) makes the most sense.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.