WWE Elimination Chamber 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

6. WWE Books A Title Change Just Because

WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 Sami Zayn El Generico

What if someone pops a hand up during last-minute creative conference calls and points out there isn't one title switch scheduled for Elimination Chamber? WWE typically like to serve up at least one token title change on these events, but the only belt that suits is Austin Theory's United States prize.

Uh oh. Here we go again.

Some fans out there on Twitter machines everywhere believe Theory must lose the US belt before tangling with John Cena at 'Mania. Assuming that match is WWE's plan in the first place, or even possible, let's ask one simple question: WHY? Why does Austin need to be title-less when he matches up against his childhood hero?

If anything, the US Title would fit within the story due to Cena's history with it. Putting the belt on Johnny Gargano (who has been booked terribly since returning), Bronson Reed or even Seth Rollins for the sake of it would suck; Rollins vs. Logan Paul is the feud that doesn't need gold, not Theory vs. Cena.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.