This week's Raw main event featuring Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins showed a significant ratings decline, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. It doesn't necessarily mean that Bryan is weak in the spot, but it does demonstrate that Bryan vs Rollins was not strong as a main event. The match was built up throughout Raw's three hours, with the opening segment establishing that Bryan would face Rollins to see who would go on to face Roman Reigns at Fast Lane. The fact that viewers didn't stick around to see the match, could be a signal to the WWE that Bryan's popularity is limited to a vocal minority. Numbers don't lie and as popular as Bryan is in chants and social media, the fact is that viewers tuned out this week when he was put as the main event. WWE executives will take note of that, as tv ratings are still what McMahon and company obsess over. The decline for the third hour is normal, but to be the franchise guy in WWE you really need to be showing some level of impact in the numbers. It's also disappointing for Rollins. In essence, this week's Raw main event was the number one face versus the number one heel. They are two of the best workers in the world, yet WWE fans who started watching the broadcast didn't stay tuned to watch them. Can you imagine any other time when the WWE's number one face and number one heel would result in losses? It certainly wouldn't have happened with an Austin or Rock. That's WWE biggest issue with booking Daniel Bryan as the franchise. They want to create a new Austin, Rock or Cena, but to do that they need to see someone who is increasing ratings and shifting merchandise. Bryan isn't currently doing that in significant numbers. That's why the company is reluctant to get behind him, and why they are keen on developing a franchise frontman like Roman Reigns. The three hours this week showed 4.47 million viewers for the first hour, 4.40 million viewers for the second hour and 4.01 million viewers for the third hour. Rollins vs Bryan ended up being a very good match. Bryan won with the Running Knee in seventeen minutes. It's just a shame that not everybody wanted to stick around to watch it.