WWE Fastlane: 10 Possible Scenarios For The Main Event

2. Roman Reigns Wins Clean

The most predicted and transparent scenario for the Fastlane main event is a Roman Reigns win, and a clean one at that. The whole purpose of this year's February pay-per-view is the same as last years; get Roman sufficiently over in time for WrestleMania. Although, it has to be said, WWE are going about it in a very odd way. Take the 2015 Fastlane for example, WWE put Reigns against one of the greatest babyface fan favorites of all time and had him win clean in an attempt to get him over. Because the fans will definitely cheer a guy being forced down their throats that just beat their favorite human being to ever live... logic. It worked so well last year that they're doing it all again! Reigns will be pitted against two hugely popular superstars in an attempt to give Roman that extra little boost he needs to be the number one guy in the company. The majority of fans would rather either of the other two to win, raising the question as to why WWE didn't put a heel in the match for Roman to beat up on. Anyway, Reigns will most likely take the win as a kicker into the height of WrestleMania season where he'll beat the boss and be put over for good as he rides his white stallion into the sunset as WWE champion, ushering in a new boom period for the sports entertainment business. Or something like that.

I've loved all things sport since I was old enough to know what sport was and am a big fan of terrible jokes. I get into some Gaming in my spare time and writing articles about the things I love to watch and play.