WWE Fastlane 2016: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best
4. U.S. Title: Kalisto (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio (Pre-Show)
Result: After scoring one fall a-piece, Kalisto manages to roll up Del Rio in the third fall to retain his title (15:12). Rating: It's a shame this match was relegated to the pre-show, considering it was far above what passes for a PPV quality match these days, and certainly in the upper portion of the show's eight bouts. Though thankfully less botchy than their previous match at the Royal Rumble, the opportunity for Kalisto and Del Rio to have their best battle yet was squandered by lame heel booking, in which Del Rio used a chair to get himself disqualified in the first fall. Then two minutes of the match were wasted by commercials, completely killing the momentum dead as Del Rio and Kalisto had to wait for the break to end before starting the second fall. Del Rio then predictably scored an easy second fall, and finally, the third fall allowed the two to put on a solid few minutes of brutal spots, accompanied by a fun comeback narrative for Kalisto. When it finally got going it was entertaining, though three straight falls of actual wrestling would probably have made this their strongest encounter yet. Plus, having Mauro Ranallo on commentary certainly wasn't a bad thing. 6/10
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
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