WWE Fools Dolphins1925 Into Predicting Incorrect Result

Befunky Braywy WWE was again afflicted by substantial leaking of results ahead of their TLC pay per view. The gambling bookmakers had the results accurately priced, and Dolphins1925 was at it again giving inside information from his insider source. The WWE's infamous 2013 mole once again predicted the event correctly - with the exception of one match. It appears that the WWE deliberately changed the result of the tag team championship match in order to fool the mole. Dolphins1925 had claimed the Real Americans would win, but it transpired that the Rhodes brothers retained. Perhaps the title change was meant to happen but WWE wanted to trick whoever it was operating as the leak. The company may go with the original plan in a rematch on Raw and we could still see the Real Americans becoming tag champions this week. This has happened previously when Dolphins1925 was informed Damien Sandow would cash in the briefcase at the Money in the Bank pay per view. The company had in fact misinformed the leak and it happened the next night on Raw instead. Will we now see this scenario play out with the Real Americans and the tag titles? The question also has to be asked, if WWE can operate with this level of misinformation, how can they not smoke the leak out? Regarding getting the tag match wrong, Dolphins1925 stated "Misinformation I received from my source. Congrats to WWE. I am done for the night." It will be interesting to see if Dolphins1925 can get the big one right, the winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble. Fans will be keenly looking out for the "spoilers" from the mole ahead of the January mega event. In another news story on results, CM Punk has amassed a remarkable WWE TV winning streak in 2013. He has worked 30 tv matches in a row without a single loss. That is 24 victories with 6 draws as double count outs or no contests. Punk has only lost 2 TV matches in the whole of 2013, one to Kane on March 11th and the other to John Cena in a match of the year contender at the February 25th Raw. It is a stunning record, and places Punk with a world of momentum heading into a rumoured WWE title clash with Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 30.
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