WWE Gallery - 20 Rare Attitude Era Photos
"As God as my witness, they've snapped them in half!"

WWE may never recapture the excitement of their own Attitude Era. The whole period feels like a blur even to those who lived though it, because there was just so much going on.
Remember when Mick Foley sat down for a pedicure? How about when an unlikely future WWE Heavyweight Champion took his first steps in a company ring, looking for all the world like he'd rather be anywhere else? Did you also know that the quickest method of ruining the aura of a mega hoss is by parading him about the place in the most garish-looking trumps imaginable?
These are the hidden gems of the Attitude Era. Those Attitude Era photographers deserve a lot of credit. Not only were they there for all of Attitude's biggest and most famous moments, the happy snappers were also around to capture some rare pics that have since become timeless...
20. Mankind Gets A Pedicure

For the good of all Mankind, here's that bastion of real-life loveliness Mick Foley getting a little therapy. Best of all, he's still wearing that twisted mask as he casually gets a pedicure and probably tells the sweet lady doing it about his kids.