WWE Gallery: Every WWE Main Roster Star Ranked From Worst To Best
59 - Tye Dillinger
Once a stirring pure babyface, he was always going to struggle big time in a promotion obsessed with pushing heels.
58 - Curtis Axel
The churn of WWE programming is so deadening that it’s hard not to take even the best wrestlers for granted - but somehow Curtis Axel never fails to raise a smile. There’s a certain magic in that.
57 - Matt Hardy
Has faded badly in the singles ranks with his brother on the shelf, but he’s there to plug a gap and wrestle intentional throwaway matches. Doubles division output in the first half of 2017 was really something, because - or in spite of - his advancing years,
56 - Natalya
Has peaked in the veteran scalp role. Has her retrospective status as the best Diva flattered her? On recent evidence, yes.