WWE Gallery: Every WWE Main Roster Star Ranked From Worst To Best
45 - Tony Nese
A great hand in era in which that’s more or less a prerequisite. Has thus far failed to stand out in any other department. Again, his barren home turf renders it difficult to judge.
44 - Triple H
Does anybody truly “get over” via the Triple H showcase rub match anymore? Deteriorates by the year. Survivor Series ego trip was 2003 bad. The Game is over, at least.
43 - Bayley
Capable of greatness but mangled beyond recognition, the misuse of Bayley borders on the criminal.
42 - Gentleman Jack Gallagher
Overshadowed as a heel on the Enzo Amore Show, which is a shame: the babyface Gallagher would have been a great technical and verbal foil.