WWE Gallery: Every WWE Main Roster Star Ranked From Worst To Best
21 - Dash Wilder

One of the smartest workers across the entire roster, his presence is greatly missed on Monday nights. F*ck The Revival? Treasure the f*cking Revival. The prospect of The Revival Vs. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose is money.
20 - Scott Dawson

Antithetical to the promotion he calls home, in that his modernised nostalgia bit is as clever as it is entertaining.
19 - Samoa Joe

A great in-ring performer as adept at suspending disbelief as putting on a clinic, Joe deserves a major, marquee ‘Mania match. It’s a shame he turns up all year long.
18 - Sheamus

Will perhaps always suffer slightly from the resentment bred from at least two oppressive pushes. Remains a very, very good performer better than most - worldwide - at simulating a believable fight.