WWE Gimmicks Explained - Doink The Clown

We don't all float down here.

Doink RAW
WWE Network

Doink The Clown remains, even to this day, one of the most unique concepts ever seen inside a wrestling ring. Where virtually every other successful gimmick in creation has been followed by lesser imitations, WWE have never gone back to well to try and get a clown over. Indeed, it was nearly 30 years after his debut that the Fiend - arguably the only thing even close - appeared on our screens.

But what possessed the then WWF to go with a clown? Well, one day, Matt Borne the wrestler would portray the character, was sat around the locker room, smoking a cigarette and looking surly. Hawk from the Road Warriors then walks in, sees him, and just blurts out, "KRUSTY THE CLOWN!". He tells Vince that that should be Osborne's gimmick, and Vince loves the idea.

With the image of a clown firmly lodged in management's skull, they turned to Stephen King for inspiration. Little over a year prior, IT had just been released and Pennywise, an evil interdimensional creature that takes the form of a clown, was the original jumping-off point for Doink. He initially had evil, dark theme music, and a sick sense of humour.

Thing is, the gimmick was so effective as a heel that a portion of fans was legitimately relieved once the persona was switched to play a bumbling babyface. Evil Doink was genuinely giving children (and some adults) nightmares back then, but this popularity necessitated a face turn. With that, Vince saw an opportunity unlike any other and introduced multiple Doinks.

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