WWE Great Balls Of Fire: 8 Things That Must Happen

5. Big Cass Destroys Enzo Amore

Enzo Amore Big Cass

The result of this one is surely a formality, because it'd make absolutely zero sense to write an Enzo Amore win. As the popular underdog looking to avenge betrayal, Enzo doesn't require the victory to remain relevant. Contrast that with Big Cass though and it becomes clear the big man desperately needs his singles run to be given a jump start.

Anything other than a convincing win for Cass would be a disaster; how could anyone take him seriously if he can't even beat a guy he claimed was holding him back? Cass should rightly dominate a game Enzo, and although it's fine to write him to be cocky and nearly slip on the age-old banana skin, he shouldn't in the end.

Now is the time for Big Cass to shine, not fail to at the first hurdle. Amore will recover post-defeat, but Cass wouldn't. WWE need to keep that in mind this Sunday, otherwise they're cutting Cass down before he really even gets started.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.