WWE Great Balls Of Fire: 8 Things That Must Happen

3. Jeff Hardy Accidentally Costs The Hardy Boyz In The Iron Man Match

Cesaro Sheamus Jeff Hardy Matt Hardy

Sheamus and Cesaro vs. The Hardy Boyz hasn't failed inside the ring yet, and there's no reason to believe the 30-minute Iron Man affair this Sunday will be any different. This has all the makings of a tag classic, but WWE may have one eye on the future when laying it out.

Ideally, the scoring will be high. We're talking 4-3 or 6-5, something like that, because Iron Man matches are much better when there are loads of thrills and spills for fans to hold onto. In the end, Jeff Hardy should be the one to slip up and accidentally cost he and brother Matt the chance to once again become Raw Tag-Team Champions.

Rumours are rife that WWE will soon cast Matt as 'Broken', and this could be the catalyst. It's not that The Hardyz are boring everyone with their nostalgia, but WWE must not let things get to that point. Pulling the trigger this weekend would be smart.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.