WWE Hall Of Fame 2018: 16 Craziest Moments

15. Edge Destroys The Marks

WWE Hall Of Fame 2018 Edge And Christian

Edge and Christian were the first presenters of the night, coming out to induct the Dudley Boyz, with Edge quickly addressing "the elephant in the room" as he put it, that there's "like two and a half guys on the Internet" wondering why Paul Heyman wasn't inducting the team.

At that point, Edge put on his best poindexter voice as he performed an impression of stereotypical basement-dwelling marks, before adding, "Relax, mom's macaroni and cheese is still waiting upstairs" to a rapturous laugh from the live crowd.

The Rated-R Superstar then hilariously added that, unlike Heyman, they don't owe the Dudley Boyz any money, so that's why they're inducting them instead. Faultless logic right there.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.