WWE Hall Of Fame 2018: 16 Craziest Moments

13. The Dudley Boyz Talk About JBL & Mae Young

WWE Hall Of Fame 2018 Dudleyz

Now, few would ever expect the Dudley Boyz to tow the line of political correctness, but one brief spell in their speech did send the Internet into a cringe-frenzy, as they name-dropped two WWE talents who haven't exactly been depicted in a flattering light in recent times.

Firstly, D-Von mentioned that when he was performing the infamous Reverend D-Von gimmick, JBL would take the money from his collection plate to spend on booze for the APA. JBL's a well-known bully, of course, and the Internet Wrestling Community didn't take too kindly to D-Von flippantly reminiscing about it.

Bubba then went on to honour Mae Young, who was of course instrumental in the success of their early WWE career, but it was nevertheless a tone-deaf dedication considering her historic scandals that have resurfaced recently.

The Dudley Boyz probably don't much care about that, but still, it was hard not to wince at their two tributes here, especially as they came in immediate succession of one another. If you're gonna pay tribute to divisive figures, you might want to spread them out a little, no?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.