WWE Hall Of Fame 2018: 16 Craziest Moments

11. Hillbilly Jim's Insanely Long Speech

WWE Hall Of Fame 2018 Hillbilly Jim

Now, all due respect to Hillbilly Jim, who proved himself an unexpectedly eloquent speaker and more expectedly charming guy, but did his Hall of Fame speech really need to drag on for so damn long?

At almost 35 minutes in length, Jim's speech was the longest of the night, in large part because of his meandering southern style of storytelling, which while entertaining, became a little exhausting after a while.

Sure, part of the problem is that Hillbilly Jim was one of this year's "lesser" inductees - if we're being brutally honest - and generally speeches this long should only be reserved for the A-list, top-shelf headliners.

It really creates a pretty compelling argument that WWE should start placing a time limit on the speeches, because this began to get torturous in the final stretch (especially if you happened to be watching the show in the middle of the night in Europe...).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.