WWE Has ALREADY Renamed The Viking Experience
Mea Culpa.

In an hilarious retcon, The Viking Experience is no more; Erik and Ivar are now, as of Monday Night RAW, the Viking Raiders.
Incidentally, whether forgetful or dumbstruck at how terrible the change from Hanson was, your writer had to Google Ivar just to confirm that was indeed his name. Ivar? Igar? Ivor? Best double check. It turns out that Ivar is correct, and in addition, IVAR is also the name of an IKEA storage furniture system.
The impetus behind this latest change is as yet unclear. It's unlikely that WWE's sponsors were appalled, ruling out a Fabulous Moolah Battle Royal-style intervention. There's a remote chance of an educational museum challenging WWE's copyright, but really, as with most recent chaotic happenings in WWE, it is safe to simply infer that "Vince McMahon is being Vince McMahon again."
It's fascinating, imagining just how this came about. Vince is famously uncaring about the reception to his product, so it is unlikely that he scanned through r/SquaredCircle and decided, in a rare display of humility, to reverse the decision.
So which influential management figure had the sheer balls to tell Vince that, sir, this name change has unleashed a torrent of damaging memes?
"The f*ck's a meme, pal?!"
In any event, the Viking Raiders absolutely slaughtered the Lucha House Party last night in a dominant display that did much to banish last week's catastrophe - and, potentially, the stench of the stigma.