WWE: Has The Hell In A Cell Match Lost Its Aura?

So with no match really replacing the Hell In A Cell in it's role, can it still be seen as such an awe inspiring match type in 2012? What does it still add to matches that a normal 1 vs 1 hardcore match doesn't provide? It could be seen that a lot of it is sheer backdrop. At Wrestlemania 28 this year, the Undertaker vs HHH Hell In A Cell match was seen as a classic by many who watched it. The visual effect of having the Cell surrounding the ring certainly added to the drama of that match, as well as the anticipation as the Cell lowered to the ring before the opening bell. With these 2 Superstars so closely associated with the match, this encounter seemed fitting for this contest, and the brutality of the match booking was befitting of the Cell surrounding it. Much like Lesnar and Undertaker from 2002, the match did not focus or use the metal surround, but the fact it was there made the association between the violence that occurred in the match and the 'demonic structure'. This point could be seen as back up to the argument that the match type has not lost it's appeal, as long as the match and Superstars competing are up to the same level. Comparing the Wrestlemania 28 match with DX vs Legacy in 2009, you would have to think many would associate the Mania contest with the match type faster than the arguably forgettable tag match 3 years ago. Will the match continue to hold up? With WWE looking to be booking towards Punk vs Cena in the Cell at the end of this month (Cena's health pending), it would certainly seem the company want to keep the allure of the match saved for settling the big feuds where possible. The arguably less than appealing main events of recent years mentioned earlier in the article could be put down to the lack of top rivalries that made these HIAC matches forgettable, rather than being a slant on the match type itself. Now we have had a long ongoing feud looking to be settled inside structure once more, it could be seen that the match has it's full appeal back. Over the last 15 years we have seen a variety of Hell In A Cell matches, and if continued to be used as sparingly as they have, accompanied by giving the match the role of settling big rivalries, fans will likely still be excited when the steel mesh lowers from the ceiling for many years to come.

A watcher of Professional Wrestling since 1989, in that time has filled up too much of his mind with knowledge of the subject. Tries to see Wrestling from the viewpoint of all types of fan, once refereed an event during his teenage years and got a grazed chin from a Superkick to the face. Follow his daily musings on Twitter - @lmheir