WWE: He Is The Miz And His Championship Reign Could Have Been AWESOME!

He Actually Was Pretty Good In The Ring

the miz Now, wait before everybody gets a sharp implement to fling in my direction, hear me out. When the Miz started in the WWE, it would be fair to say that he was a bit...clumsy in this area and did little to assuage people that he was actually getting better. His finisher was just one of those finishers that seem to take ages in setting up and actually doing (sometimes it seemed like the Reality Check would actually take up the majority of the match) and he didn't seem to click in the ring against a lot of opponents. Fast forward to late 2010, and the Miz had rectified a lot of these problems. Admittedly, the Skull Crushing Finale is still a bit odd as a finisher, but when it's done right it looks plenty brutal. Furthermore, his DDT is one of the coolest in the WWE at the moment, with the possible exception of Dolph Ziggler. He's not Daniel Bryan or CM Punk by any stretch of the imagination, but his matches with Randy Orton showed that he can mix it with the right opponent. Furthermore, the WWE Championship seemed to bring out the best of his storytelling, an area where he was occasionally a little lacklustre in the past. But that's not all Miz is good at.
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The Miz
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Gamer, Pop Culture consumer and WWE watcher, Vectron44 has been described as a prophet of truth, a pain in the proverbial and everything in between. Approach with caution lest you get sucked into his world of geek.