WWE: How To Make Zack Ryder Relevant Again - Introduce Internet Championship!

zack ryder wwe It is no secret that Zack Ryder has struggled in the past 12 months for air time. The wrestler that arguably opened the way for WWE to use social media has now been consigned to little more than jobber status with no feuds on the horizon. One could excuse this if Ryder had major holes in his in ring or promo work, but this is not the case- he may not be CM Punk, but he is more than capable of holding a midcard spot and feuding for one of the lower titles. But to get Ryder into that sort of position, first you have to make him relevant again to the audience as a whole. And there is an easy enough way to do that and it it's wrapped around Ryder's waist. The Internet Championship was an idea by Ryder to place him on the map during his YouTube show but now some complain that all it does is marginalise him as nothing more than a joke that can't be trusted with the 'true' belts of the WWE. Therefore, the heel that Ryder should be feuding with is one is not one that merely hates him, but hates everything that Zack Ryder represents- the tawdry, shallow and superficial nature of the Internet where nothing is of substance. Enter Damien Sandow. I would simply start the feud by having Ryder and Sandow face off in a Smackdown match. The match goes back and forth for a little while before Sandow hits a low blow while Cody Rhodes distracts the referee before pinning him. After that, Sandow dismantles Ryder brutally, with even Rhodes shocked as he looks on. The next week on Raw, Sandow explains his actions, calling Ryder a stain on the WWE and his so-called Internet Championship a mockery of everything that he, Damien Sandow, stands for. He therefore challenges Ryder to a match at the next PPV for his Internet Championship. Ryder decides that he has to defend the honour of his championship and his 'broskis' and accepts the challenge and the two of them meet at the next PPV. Where Sandow wins- maybe with Rhodes' help, maybe not. The next night on Raw Zack Ryder comes out and demands a rematch for his title. Suddenly Sandow appears on the screen with the Internet Championship and claims that since he is the holder of the belt, he now gets to decide its destiny. Then, he destroys it with a sledgehammer or some such implement. Sandow claims that since the title is destroyed, the rematch clause is irrelevant and he has made Zack Ryder surplus to WWE's requirements. Ryder goes to the GM and demands that something be done about this. Unfortunately, they don't want to help him- Sandow will not accept any matches with Zack Ryder and now seems to be back with Rhodes chasing the Tag Titles- which, since it is a title match, is a higher priority that Ryder's revenge. Ryder then decides to take matters into his own hands. In a #1 contender's match for the Tag Team Titles, he distracts Sandow in a crucial moment and their opponents pick up the win ( or perhaps gets them DQ'ed? ). Ryder then sets the challenge. Sandow vs Ryder- No Holds Barred for the next PPV. Sandow, in the heat of the moment, accepts. The good thing about this idea is that it not only gives Ryder a good feud, but also Damien Sandow one too where he can add some heat to his character. Ryder's character as well can become more edgy and angry with the destruction of the title that he created. Finally, it shows some of the frustration Ryder must be feeling about being jerked around by the WWE but in a more kayfabe way that won't hurt the company. So what do you think?

Gamer, Pop Culture consumer and WWE watcher, Vectron44 has been described as a prophet of truth, a pain in the proverbial and everything in between. Approach with caution lest you get sucked into his world of geek.