WWE To Induct WrestleMania 1 Main Event To Hall Of Fame?

The WWE Hall of Fame is one of the highlights of WrestleMania weekend every year because it's a chance for WWE acknowledge their stars of the past. It also gives the WWE Universe an opportunity to see them on the big stage one more time. PWInsider.com suggests that not only will we see individuals in the Hall of Fame this year, but we could also see a match being inducted. Since this year's WrestleMania is the 30th edition of the event, the belief is that the WrestleMania 1 main event would be inducted into the Hall of Fame. That match featured Hulk Hogan & Mr. T (with Jimmy Snuka in their corner) taking on Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff (with Bob Orton in their corner). There are likely going to be some fans questioning whether a match should be inducted into the Hall of Fame when traditionally the only inductees are former male and female performers and also celebrities who have joined the celebrity wing. My feeling is that it should be accepted because it was an important part of WWE history that deserves to be honored for its importance. Is it a great match? No. It was not. The finish saw Orton try to interfere by using the cast on his hand as an object, but Hogan moved out of the way and it hit Orndorff instead. Hogan covered Orndorff for the win. If you've seen the match you know the reaction to it was a big deal, so that's why it should be remembered. If any match is going to be the first match inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame then it should be this one. There have also been reports that Hogan and Piper could be involved in WrestleMania 30 as well. While I wouldn't expect them to be in a match due to their age and injury history, their presence would be welcome. Why not put them in the corners of current superstars? They can still have a moment of physicality. If the match was inducted in the Hall of Fame, that would mean that Hogan, Piper, Orndorff, Snuka and Orton would be two time Hall of Famers, joining Ric Flair for that honor. Mr. T hasn't been inducted in WWE's Hall of Fame yet, but the belief is that he would be more likely to accept the invitation should it be presented to him. It's a smart move on WWE's part if it happens.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.