WWE Legend Rey Mysterio Reveals How Many Masks He Owns

How many is too many? WWE's Rey Mysterio has a lot of masks. Like...a LOT.

Rey Mysterio

How many masks does wrestling legend Rey Mysterio own?

The man himself isn't sure on an exact number, but he did tell 'Rasslin With Brandon F. Walker' that it's well over 1,000. Yes, Rey actually has all one thousand plus of those hoods in storage - some are in his house, and others are tucked away for a rainy day.

He doesn't like to throw anything in the trash, but did say that some of his old "baggy" ring gear was ruined because it all stuck together. Sadly, Mysterio had to toss some of that. He keeps the stuff that's still in good nick though, and the masks are so well made/stored that they'll never get spoiled.


Guessing, the WWE 2K22 cover star estimated that he has "1,100" masks these days. He'd like to sit down and count them all out someday. Some of his super-fans would probably be into that idea; imagine the grappling history, from WWE and WCW to ECW and beyond, that's in that collection.

This eye-popping number doesn't include any of the masks Mysterio has given away over the years. He's donated several to charities and WWE auctions.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.