WWE: Listing 3 Divas For A New Female Shield

b knight Any superstar in the WWE needs a method to get over. While some use their physical features, their dancing/singing skills, or their social media power to get over, some superstars have effectively used factions, which have changed their careers for the better. There have been numerous factions in the history of the WWE which have made the company stronger and better. Factions like the nWo, Evolution and many more have changed the face of the wrestling industry, and have also added a new dimension to the WWE. While some factions fail miserably - for example, the Corre - other factions usually generate success and are a great way of promoting anyone. One of the best factions in history is the Shield, consisting of Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. These three are the most talented youngsters you can ever find in a company, and putting them together generally means success, and it has. So far, the Shield has won all their matches, and are the current United States and Tag Team Champions. The Shield can decimate anyone, and are the most dominant story in WWE today. What if there was a female Shield? What if, instead of superstars, three divas from NXT would be promoted and they would destroy all the other divas? Therefore, the following are the three best candidates for a 'Female Shield', if the WWE ever lets that happen. These three would also be rookies from NXT, who are dying to make a name for themselves. Click 'Next' to scroll through the list.

3. Summer Rae

summer rae One of the most beautiful women in the world, Summer Rae is currently being wasted, as she is teaming up with the ego-maniac ball dancer, Fandango. While Summer Rae has been getting attention in her new role as Fandango's dancer/manager, most of the public does not know her, or does not care about her. That needs to change, and that can easily be changed if she becomes the first person to join the female Shield. Summer Rae has that evil look which can destroy any man. One of the fiercest competitors in the ring, Rae hasn't had much of her wrestling work featured in the WWE, but if the WWE is brave enough to execute the female Shield, then Summer Rae would be a distinctively perfect member to join. She has the looks, she has the skill, and she even has the talent to make it big in this business, and she could start her career by joining a fierce faction, like the female Shield.

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