Today in the modern world, time is our scarcest resource as a WWE fan. There is way too much content out there. Between the main shows, the B shows, and YouTube content the fan has become a little more discerning with their viewing patterns. Truth be told, not many people even watch Smackdown on Fridays. And It's a shame that on Monday, WWE gave you a three-hour Raw show that in reality did not mean as much as the one-hour show Main Event or NXT. Manchester, England played host on the more important episodes on Main Event in quite some time. As previously announced on Raw, Natalya following the win in a tag match against AJ and Tamina received a Divas title shot against the Black Widow. It was really a great match. They played up the drama a little bit with having her husband Tyson Kidd looking on backstage cheering on his lovely newlywed bride. AJ and Natalya have a great back-and-forth match probably the best Divas Match in quite some time on television. The Queen of Harts used her strength to give the champion of her money finally locking in her Sharpshooter. AJ's best friend Tamina who is at ringside comes to the rescue of the Divas champion causing a disqualification kicking Natalya right in the face. Post match shenanigans as AJ awkwardly putting Natalya in the Black Widow before the referee quickly separates the two ladies. AJ then walks off leaving Natalya distraught and crying. Coming back from commercial we see Natalya despondent backstage over losing the title shot. She says that she'll never get another shot again. Tyson Kidd is trying to comfort his wife saying that crazy due to the disqualification. They are really playing into her Total Divas storylines. Overall, I liked it. Is it cheesy? Sure. They are not that many Divas on the roster so chances are things will come around again. It showed they can do a little bit of storyline development on a B level show that still make it work. I think WWE forgets that. After a recap of Raw, and a piece on the evolution of the new Director of Operations Kane, we see a great little match from Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd. They played up former partners knowing each other from the days of International Airstrike. The two go back and forth putting together some great solid action. In the end, Gabriel gets the win following a reversal of the top rope Hurricanrana Into a Sunset Flip. Tyson Kidd is very frustrated by the loss. I hope they're not going to do a storyline in which Tyson Kidd gets frustrated with Natalya's drama and turns heel. Keep them together. I know they want to integrate Total Divas more to the product, but it's just too soon. They close of the night with the newly renamed Union Jacks a.k.a. 3MB defeating The Primetime Players in a solid little match. This make sure to tell the audience that the band with no music will be ready for Raw for in Nashville. Let's move on NXT...

Much like Main Event, we begin with the ladies as the BFFs of Sasha Banks and Summer Rae go up against the very enthusiastic Bayley and her friend Charlotte. The two sets of friends battle it out Charlotte starting out showing her athletic ability until daily the always excited Bayley wooing on the outside asks for tag. Then things begin to change as the Boss of NXT starts working over the happy-go-lucky NXT diva. Bayley tries to make the tag multiple times coming within inches of making it to Charlotte, who looks rather unenthused by the whole situation. When Bayley make it to her corner. She gets a hard slap Charlotte knocking her to the mat. Then the daughter of Ric Flair hits her flipping Ace Crusher before heading out on the apron. Sasha Banks quickly grabs the cover and the win. Banks and Summer stand confused for a few seconds before Charlotte raises their hands in victory. So it appears BFFs have a new member. Overall great work from the ladies, it should be interesting to see where this goes from here. Summer and Sasha have really found their stride. How will Charlotte factor into the mix? She has yet to find her own personality beyond her father legacy. I hope this gives her a little more to dig into. We hear that the main event of this weeks episode is a two out of three falls encounter between Corey Graves and Adrian Neville. I love a good two out of three falls contest. Another thing I love is good announcers and I thought even though it was a weird pairing Byron Saxton, Sweet T and William Regal were pretty good once they found their rhythm. This is of course after Regal insulted the former Albert a little bit in the beginning of the night. William also went a little crazy when Aiden English defeated Camacho. English was very theatrical as usual before being dominated by the Samoan turned Latino most of the match until the artiste quickly nailed his Directors Cut finisher. English gave an encore received a standing ovation from most of the NXT arena, including his close friend William Regal. Backstage, we hear Lana and Alexander Rusev it is unclear what is said but they definitely made the idea that the Bulgarian brute wanted The NXT Championship. Speaking of the NXT title, we hear that Bo Dallas will be back next week following his world travels. Mason Ryan returns to the ring and destroys Danny Burch using his cobra clutch slam. Regal gives a British history lesson during this match on the Welsh versus the British. If I had to wager anything I say we will have a Bulgarian brute versus the Colossus of Cardiff relatively soon. There is a weird Emma promo where she is like the political candidate speaking to her delegation, I guess in this case her Emmacrats. The two out of three falls match was by far the highlight of the night. Adrian Neville comes out early to win the first fall with the Red Arrow out of the top rope. The second fall is captured by Corey Graves after doing serious damage to the knee of Adrian Neville then locking in the Lucky Thirteensubmission. Adrian tried to rebound on one leg, but it seemed like all is lost until he gets a roll up out of nowhere to win the match. The announcers particularly Regal and Sweet T make this match. They discuss the little nuances to every hold and strategy. Definitely worth your time, not sure what's next for either one of these men going for but can't wait to find out. Raw may be the flagship but it seems the Calvary is NXT and Main Event once again on Wednesday night. Check out both shows this week. You will not be disappointed