WWE Money In The Bank 2015: Ranking 7 Likeliest Briefcase Winners

3. Sheamus

Fresh from some time off and a slight gimmick change, Sheamus perhaps represents this match's dark horse. Nobody would expect him a favourite to win the briefcase, but such booking wouldn't carry the same earth-shattering consequences as a Neville win, for example. The downside for Sheamus' chances is the fact that he doesn't really have a place in the main event scene, a place he'd eventually find himself were he to win the briefcase. He no longer carries the novelty of a hot newcomer, nor does he fit easily into the current tangle of Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose and the Authority. The best he could realistically hope for in a main event capacity would be as a casualty of the impending Brock Lesnar return. Why Is He In The Match?: Sheamus has very recent history with Ziggler, which could become an important sub-plot of the match. He's also something of a mini-Cena in that, no matter how far down the card he slips, he'll always be regarded as a tough guy to beat.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.