WWE Money In The Bank 2019: 10 Things That Must Happen

2. Drew McIntyre Wins MITB

Money In The Bank 2019

...dun, dun, DUN.

No, it's not Ricochet, Sami Zayn, Andrade or Finn Bálor. It's not even Ali, Baron Corbin or Randy Orton who should win this year's men's Money In The Bank. As his countrymen say, aye, it is one Drew McIntyre who needs that briefcase most.

In Drew, WWE have a star with international flavour and instant recognition with the audience. The Scot is a WWE veteran who left in 2014 and went on to make a name for himself as one of the best around the world on the indy scene. He's poised and waiting for the chance he's earned.

McIntyre is also a Vinnie Mac fantasy. He has size, he can move for such a big man and he can talk. Not only that, there's been a swell of support for Drew to finally become the star he's always promised to be sometime soon and live his dream as a World Champion in WWE. 2019 is that time, and no, some of you won't like what happens next.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.