WWE Money In The Bank 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

7. Omos Flattens AJ Styles

WWE Money In The Bank 2021 Roman Reigns Edge

AJ Styles deserves a medal, man.

The way the veteran has transitioned from huge feuds like last year's tussles with The Undertaker, Daniel Bryan and Drew McIntyre to babysitting Omos has been fittingly phenomenal. WWE know they've got one of the most versatile workers in industry history here, and AJ isn't one to complain about a lesser role.

If anything, he's sinking his teeth into the task of moulding Omos into something worthwhile. So, imagine how horrific it'd be if Vince McMahon spotted the lack of a "friendly giant" character on Raw and decided that ex-ninja/current Tag-Team Champ Omos should fill that role.

A shudder should've crept up your spine reading that.

It's far too soon to split Omos from Styles, but that might not stop WWE from giving it a try. What if the pair lose their belts to The Viking Raiders and AJ berates Omos like he's Bobby Heenan, the big O is André and this is 'Mania VI. Then, boom! Omos flattens him.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.