WWE Money In The Bank 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

5. KofiMania II = Diminishing Returns

WWE Money In The Bank 2021 Roman Reigns Edge

Kofi Kingston is blatantly cannon fodder for Bobby Lashley on this 'B' level pay-per-view, but WWE are working hard to create doubt by having Xavier Woods upset the 'Chief Hurt Officer' on TV. It's working, and yet it remains unlikely that Kofi will rekindle memories of his amazing 2019 success by bagging a second WWE Title on Sunday.

That ship has sailed.

Does that mean somebody on creative won't talk Vinnie Mac into giving it a bash before the weekend? Absolutely not, but WWE were hardly up for treating Kingston like the main man two years ago, and they'd be even less-inclined to do so if he somehow toppled Lashley at MITB.

Another Kofi reign would be transitional at best and detrimental to fan relations at worst. No-one wants to see him win the title then get smashed 24 hours later on Raw, put it that way. If WWE's only plan for Kingston is a super-short reign, then they shouldn't bother.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.