WWE Money In The Bank 2021: 10 Things That Must Happen

6. WWE Stick With AJ Styles & Omos

John Cena WWE Money In The Bank 2021

The Viking Raiders should be rather worried.

WWE has ditched the bowling, romancing, archery and "comedy", but Erik and Ivar are still presented as two jolly lads who love a giggle as much as they love a fight. It's jarring, and they don't feel like a true threat to those Raw Tag-Team Titles because of the way they're booked.

Despite winning the belts back at 'Mania, AJ Styles and Omos feel like they're only really getting started as champs too. They've got a lot more to achieve in the title hot seat, and it's inconceivable that WWE would cut AJ's legs off just as he's starting to gel with his mammoth bodyguard.

Here, Omos should be the difference maker yet again. Styles can bump around like a pinball for the Raiders, then the big man can come in, clean house and score the win. Fingers crossed the company has something bigger in mind for the champions than this secondary fare come SummerSlam.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.