WWE Money In The Bank 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

7. Rhea Ripley’s “Open Challenge”

WWE Money In The Bank 2023 Bray Wyatt

MITB 2023 doesn't need anymore matches, it really doesn't. Currently, the bout count is at seven, which is more than enough. Creative might not be able to resist doubling up on Rhea Ripley by having the Women's World Champion fire out one of those "open challenges" after helping Dominik beat Cody.

Yours truly can't believe he just typed that last sentence - it's like wishing something unwanted into existence, but here were are. Post-match, Rhea would be breathing fire and full of confidence, and fans would anticipate something newsworthy if she invited anybody to come out and wrestle her.

A big debut, perhaps? Someone from NXT? Nah, it'd be Emma or an old foe like Natalya again.

Therein lies the problem. MITB wouldn't be improved by tacking on another match, especially if it's only gonna last a few minutes before Ripley inevitably puts her challenger to the sword. Just...keep it at the seven matches, please.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.