WWE Money In The Bank 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

5. Zoey Stark Drops Trish Stratus

WWE Money In The Bank 2023 Bray Wyatt

Time for back-to-back premature swerves/turns.

Zoey Stark aligned with the legendary Trish Stratus back at Night Of Champions. It was a union pretty much nobody saw coming, and it ruled because of that shock element. Since then, Zoey has been cast as Stratus' heavy, and has even taken to wearing a t-shirt saying "THANK YOU TRISH".

There will be some sort of awkward moment at MITB this weekend. The commentators will be banging that "every woman for herself" drum as Zoey contemplates hauling down the briefcase for herself, but she'll probably step aside for Trish more than once. Tension will be rife, in other words.

The nightmare here is that Zoey gets p*ssed off at being bossed around by Trish and drops her post-match. Would it make a lick of sense? No, not even close, but WWE might see more value in Stark as a strong-minded babyface who's already sick of Stratus' elitist outlook.

Please don't do this. Pretty please?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.