WWE NXT Takeover Unstoppable: 15 Things You Might Have Missed

13. Fans Take The Referee To School

The referee during the Breeze/Balor match had something of a rough time of things. He was on the receiving end of a number of derogatory chants, some of which were meant in jest. One was not. Throughout the match, Tyler Breeze would snap at the referee, telling him "Don't touch me!' and "Do your job!", and after each time the dutiful fans in the arena began rousing chants of "Don't touch him!" and "Do your job!" Towards the end of the bout, Breeze was throwing a tantrum in the ring after a particularly close two count whilst Balor had slipped away to the outside. At this point, the fans noticed that the ref wasn't counting Balor out so they lambasted him with a loud "You're not Counting! clap-clap-clapclapclap" chant, until he finally twigged and did his job. The fact that he then ended the match with a four-count rather than a three probably didn't do any more to endear the ref to the fans.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.