WWE NXT WarGames 2021: 10 Last-Minute Predictions
Let WWE's biggest civil war commence at the revamped NXT WarGames 2.0.

This is a bit weird, isn't it?
Sunday's NXT special isn't a TakeOver. That name is gone - it's dead and buried in WWE's past alongside other subtitles like In Your House. Now, the company moves forwards into a bold new world full of splashing colours and endless strings of young hopefuls trading the PC for 2.0.
It's different, and it's taking some getting used to. WWE obviously knows this themselves, because they've lined up an old school vs. new school feel at WarGames. Tommaso Ciampa leads his 'Black & Gold' squad in there against the '2.0' team fronted by Bron Breakker, but will they be the only leaders who show up this weekend?
Could some of WWE's biggest power players behind the scenes be involved too? Don't rule it out. Stranger things have happened, and all that.
Time to play predictions about what could happen at WarGames 2021 then. Mandy Rose needs a new Women's Title contender, big brand returns could be on the cards, a title belt might be renamed, someone is getting their head shaved bald, turns could happen and much, much more...
10. The Cruiserweight Title Is Renamed

Ye olde Cruiserweight Title is no longer limited.
In effect, it's what the TNA X Division belt became. NXT 2.0's stars don't have to be under a certain weight to compete for it, and it'll likely just become another midcard strap used to give those outside the main event scene something to cling on to (it's the North American Title then?).
At WarGames, before facing Joe Gacy, Roderick Strong will probably hop on the mic and tell everybody that the Cruiserweight tag is gone. What should WWE call the championship instead? Who knows, but this writer fears they may go with something like the 'Diamond Title' in the short-term to reflect Rod's positioning in the Diamond Mine.
Or, maybe not if Strong is set to drop the belt to Gacy. Big Harland may get involved, y'know. Either way, it makes sense that the Cruiserweight tag is on the outs for now. WWE fans should be used to this.