WWE Old School Raw: 5 Superstars We Want To See

1. Hulk Hogan

The Real American Hulk Hogan is our number one pick. Should you save him for a pay per view? No way. While his time in TNA may have tainted his celebrity a bit Hogan is still 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan. Hulk and WWE just go together. There is a tag team going about calling themselves The Real Americans (Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger) and so there is a perfect introduction in place for his return. If Zeb Coulter and The Real Americans are in the squared circle running the building down and claiming they are real Americans and the Hogan's music hits the place would erupt. I'm not entirely sure people want to see him wrestle, though I could be way off the mark on that. Personally I just want to hear the music and see the man throw a few punches and then do those signature poses. There is of course rumours of his involvement in a match at Wrestlemania so they could plant the seeds early and he could have a stare down with John Cena, which of course would be a phenomenal sight for the Cenation and Hulkamaniacs around the world. It is a very real possibility that we'll see Hulk Hogan in the WWE again, but when? We don't know, we just hope its on Old School Raw. We just want to see the Hulkster back where he belongs in the WWE ring, brother. Old School Raw is all about nostalgia and having Hulk Hogan return to the WWE would be a great way to re-introduce him to the WWE Universe for old fans and new fans alike.
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I mostly write about wrestling and sometimes music when I'm not serving people coffee. I also have a blog http://thesunsetflip.tumblr.com/ and am on twitter @kideternity2013